Speaker bio

Shweta is an impact-driven programmer-turned-communications professional who believes that we are working with an engaged workforce and living amongst everyday activists. She has held diverse roles in strategic communications, public affairs, media relations, marketing communications, leadership communications, and employee engagement across various industries. She recently oversaw responsible gameplay work at Video Games Europe, the video games industry association, where she worked closely with video game trust and safety professionals and Safer Internet Centers across Europe. She is also the person behind the responsible gameplay campaign, #SeizeTheControls. She holds a certificate in Justice & Equity in Technology Policy from the University of Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, a bachelor’s degree in computer science, and a master’s degree in communication & information studies from Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

I help leaders build safe and inclusive online spaces.

How do I do that?

I help organisations or specific leaders lead their trust, safety, and issue management. In partnership with online safety organisations in Europe and India, I co-design jams and workshops to ensure users are heard and understood, making them more likely to adopt recommended safety practises. I also help organisations develop creative ways to tell their product and tech story.

My focus is on integrating people’s lived experiences into the laws that protect us and the technologies that we use every day.

Need more info? Contact

shwetavanbiesen [@] gmail [dot] com

+32 (471) 19 24 91